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Orphan Drugs Pricing – Adaptive Pathways & RWE – Unmet Need Definition ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress – 6-8 Nov 2017, Glasgow, UK

Orphan Drugs Pricing and Sustainability At a workshop entitled “Sustainable Funding and Fair Pricing for Orphan Drugs: What Are the Solutions?”, the panellists discussed the options that exist to make funding of valuable orphan medicinal products (OMPs) sustainable for healthcare systems while also

Want to know more about our PRIME & EAMS / PIM experience? Meet us at the 2017 DIA EuroMeeting in Glasgow, 29 – 31 March 2017

With the increasing acknowledgement of the need to develop an overarching scheme to enhance support for sponsors developing medicines, tackling unmet medical needs to ensure timely access to beneficial therapies, the EMA launched the PRIME scheme in March 2016. This

Adaptive Pathways, Biosimilars, Rare Diseases – ISPOR 19th Annual European Congress – 29 Oct-2 Nov 2016, Vienna, Austria

Adaptive Pathways and Patient AccessAn issue panel entitled Adaptive Pathways and Patient Access: Pushing Payer Boundaries or Facilitating New Payment Models? was held and moderated by Jacoline Bouvy, Scientific Adviser, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), London, UK. Jacoline